Lab01 - Environment Setup

Due: Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM to Github Classroom Assignment

Login to stargate

  1. Choose a terminal app for your laptop. There are many options but here are a few:
  2. Use your terminal app to ssh to stargate
     $ ssh

    replacing username with your USF login ID. The password is your USF CWID. You should see:

     The authenticity of host 'remote-host' can't be established...
     Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (yes/no) yes
     username@stargate $

    Type ^D (CTRL-d) to exit the ssh session.

Create an ssh key pair (if you don’t already have one)

  1. Create an ssh key pair using this command in your terminal
     me@mylaptop:~ $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  2. You will be asked to provide a passphrase which is used to encrypt your private key. Do not forget this passphrase.
  3.  me@mylaptop:~ $ cd ~/.ssh
     me@mylaptop:~/.ssh $ ls
    • These are just text files and you can cat them to see their contents
    • id_ed25519 is your private key. You should never upload that file to any servers, or give it to anyone.
    • is your public key. This file can be uploaded to stargate and
  4. Configure stargate so your private key can be used to authenticate you on
     username@stargate:~/.ssh $ cat >config
     Host *
       ForwardAgent yes

Set up Github with your public key

  1. Copy your public key to your laptop’s clipboard:
    • Windows Terminal: $ type | clip
    • WSL: $ cat | xclip
    • macOS: $ cat | pbcopy
  2. Create an account on if you don’t already have one.
  3. When logged into go to Profile > Settings > SSH and GPG Keys and paste the contents of your public key
  4. Test your ssh access to from your terminal app
     me@mylaptop:~ $ ssh
     Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
     Connection to closed.

Set up ~/.ssh/config on your laptop

  1. From your terminal app (you can use any editor, not just nano)
     me@mylaptop:~ $ cd .ssh
     me@mylaptop:~ $ nano config

    make your config file look like the snippet below. Notes:

    1. UseKeychain is macOS-only so Windows users can omit it
    2. Remember to replace your_usf_login with your USF login (e.g. phpeterson)
         AddKeysToAgent yes
         UseKeychain yes
         IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
         ForwardAgent yes
         User your_usf_login
         AddKeysToAgent yes
         IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Copy your public key to stargate

  1. From your terminal app
     me@mylaptop:~/.ssh $ ssh-copy-id
  2. Test your ssh access to stargate
     me@mylaptop:~/.ssh $ ssh
     username@stargate:~ $
  3. Set up ssh forwarding from stargate to your laptop
     username@stargate:~ $ cd ~/.ssh
     username@stargate:~/.ssh $ cat >config
     Host *
       ForwardAgent yes

Choose one of the lab systems to work on

  1. Do not do class work on the stargate host. SSH to one of the lab hosts listed by rusers
     username@stargate:~ $ rusers
     username@stargate:~ $ ssh vlab01
     username@vlab01:~ $ 

Finally, some code

  1. Clone the assignment repository (“repo”) into your home directory
     username@vlab01:~ $ git clone
     username@vlab01:~ cd lab01-yourgithubid
  2. Compile the program
     username@vlab01:lab01-yourgithubid $ gcc -o hello hello.c
  3. Run the program
     username@vlab01:lab01-yourgithubid $ ./hello
     hello world
  4. Edit hello.c and change "hello world\n" to "hello cs221\n" in lower case exactly as shown
  5. Save the file and recompile it
  6. Commit your changes to the local repo on the lab machine
     username@vlab01:lab01-yourgithubid $ git commit -m"change world to cs221" hello.c
  7. Push your changes from the local repo to the remote repo on
     username@vlab01:lab01-yourgithubid $ git push
  8. ^D to log out of the lab host, and again to log out of stargate