Lab03 - Files, error handling

Due: Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 11:59 PM to Github Classroom Assignment


In C, it’s very important to be careful when allocating memory, copying data between buffers, and working with files. In this lab, we will explore some common error handling techniques.


  1. You will build a C program named lab03 which
    1. takes a filename and the name and quantity of a product for stock-keeping
    2. writes a comma-separated list of the data out to the file.
  2. Each product will have a name (at most 15 chars and a NUL) and quantity (an integer), and you will keep those in one or more C struct. It’s possible to generate the output without structures but please learn to use structures
  3. You will use the C file management functions to open, write, and close the CSV file
  4. You will handle error conditions exactly as shown in the example output
  5. You will provide a Makefile and test your project with the grade script


  1. I will discuss and demo the C file management functions in lecture.

Example Output

phpeterson@vlab20:lab03 $ ./lab03 lab03.csv
usage: lab03 filename 'name qty' ['name qty']

phpeterson@vlab20:lab03 $ ./lab03 lab03.csv 'apples 20' 'oranges 10'
phpeterson@vlab20:lab03 $ cat lab03.csv

phpeterson@vlab20:lab03 $ ./lab03 lab03.csv 'apples 20' 'oranges asdf'
not a number: asdf

phpeterson@vlab20:lab03 $ ./lab03 lab03.csv "cinnamonapplessauce 10"
string overflow: cinnamonapplessauce 10

phpeterson@vlab20:lab03 $ ./lab03 /usr/bin/lab03.csv 'apples 20' 'oranges 10'
failed to open: /usr/bin/lab03.csv


  1. For 80 points, pass the correctness tests
  2. For 90 points, pass the correctness and error handling tests
  3. For 100 points
    1. Write readable code (consistent naming and indentation, some comments, whitespace around conditionals and operators)
    2. Submit a clean repo (no build products)
    3. Correctly use struct, file management functions, and memory allocation functions