Project03 - Tic-Tac-Toe using Minimax

Due: Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 11:59 PM to Github Classroom Assignment


  1. You will evolve your lab04 solution to support two modes of Tic-Tac-Toe game play:
    1. If argc > 2 your program will accept board values in argv[], just like lab04, and use Minimax to output the optimal next move for that board.
      • You may assume that it’s ‘O’s turn, and ‘X’ is the maximizer
    2. If argc == 1 your program will use a loop to play a full game, with a human playing ‘X’ and the computer using Minimax to play ‘O’.
      • ‘X’ always goes first
  2. Your program must be called project03 and must include a Makefile


We will discuss recursion and the Minimax algorithm in lecture

Example Output

Your program’s output must exactly match the format below

$ ./project03 O ? O X ? X ? ? ?
O | ? | O
X | ? | X
? | ? | ?
O: 0 1

$ ./project03 O ? X X O ? ? ? ?
O | ? | X
X | O | ?
? | ? | ?
O: 2 2


NB: Since Minimax is a well-known algorithm, many explanations and implementations are available. You must develop your own original code, working individually.

  1. 70 pts: Correctness for a single move, tested by the grade script
  2. 20 pts: Multiple-move game play including validation of input and legal moves, tested manually
  3. 10 pts: Neatness, including (but not limited to):
    1. Consistent naming and indentation
    2. Helpful comments
    3. No dead (commented-out) code or unnecessarily complex code
    4. No build products in the repo
  4. 1 pt. Extra credit: generalize your program to play Checkers